A lot of people who are in the middle of a career change or young students just out of college in search of employment are at a loss and confused when it comes to preparing their resume. Companies are always in search of people who can make a difference to their profitability. Jobs are in plenty but the competition is also high as the number of qualified people are in excess. So the question surrounding their fear is,“Will I get a call to appear for the interview?” A few months ago one of my friends confided in me saying, “I have put in at least a dozen applications but have not been called even once. In fact my 2 juniors have received calls even though their experience does not compare with mine.”I carefully identified his resume and identified the problem. Once you send in your application, there is no guarantee of you receiving a call when all the candidates are basically equal in skill and educational qualifications. The important factor is any resume is that it has to be picked up and seen. And how do you assure that? Getting it noticed:The resume that you write will be the ticket to your interview. The employer does not have the time to sift through thousands of applications to short list his choice. The key to your selection lies in the proper presentation of your skills and experience. Your resume has to shine, it has to impress, it has to showcase your strength,it has to shoutout about your skills,ithas to be offbeat. Without any of these attributes, it will just remain in the pile of discarded applications. Tailor fit:Your resume should be tailored to fit the jobthat you are applying for. Just as a tailor perfects his fit as per the person so also your resume should be as per the position of the job. Analyze the job you are applying for, for the qualities, the knowledge, the temperament and the skill required to succeed. Do not lift resumes from web pages and fit it in yours. Go through different resumes only to learn and get insights. Don’t copy their methods and styles. Segments: A resume should not appear like a grocery list. It should be well defined into different segments and each segment is important in some way or the other to judge your capability. The important segments to be taken care are: Personal details: The most important part of your resume before you come to your educational qualifications, is your contact details, like name, phone number and email address without which the interviewer will be unable to contact you, should he find your resume interesting. Educational Qualifications :This will help the employer to judge your level of competence in understanding the job as academics help in developing qualities like hardwork and discipline. It is especially important for freshers where they cannot show any work experience or achievements and hence this is the only asset that can determine their fate. Part time experience or internships should be included to stand a chance. Any added qualification or skill like computer training should be mentioned as that will be an extra advantage. Career Objective: A vital aspect of the resume to show your aspiration and motive for the job. It helps the employer to determine whether your goal is in line with their organization. Experience – Highlighting your strength: Your resume should focus on your strong points – your skills and experience as that is what will carry you through. Dramatize it in such a way as to make the employer look up and say. “This is the man who will add value, growth and profitability. “ Your skills and experience should also show some specific results that you have achieved or helped solvecriticalsituations. Illustrate how you thought through it rather than what you did. Give the impression of being a team player rather than an independent player wanting to sail alone. As mentioned earlier your resume should not look like a grocery list but a credentials of your achievements and your successful performance. And all this will be attractive to the reader if it is on one page without grammatical or spelling mistakes. And remember every interview that you give should not dishearten or demoralize you but help you to re-evaluate and come out learning something new to face another challenge.