
English is Easy


I once heard a friends saying – “I am getting cold feet.” I looked at her feet and found that normal. She started laughing and then explained that it means being nervous before a big event. Did you ever face such a situation? Let’s have a look at few other idioms with body parts. Cold feet – nervous just before a big event Example – My friend got cold feet the moment her name was announced to go for the competition. All ears – listening with whole attention Example – Give me a moment to finish my work and I will be all ears to your story. Cost an arm and a leg – something very expensive Example – Our house renovation coast an arm and a leg. Cry your heart out – to weep bitterly for a long time Example – She felt better after crying her heart out. Face the music – to bear with unpleasant consequences Example – After failing in the exam, Rohit had to face the music from his parents. Give a hand – help someone do something Example – She gave her mother a helping hand Head over heals – deeply in love Example – Jason was head over heals over his new girlfriend. Keep an eye on – take care of Example – Could you please keep an eye on the kids until I finish cooking? Let one’s hair down – to relax after a stressful period Example – After a tiring day at work, all friends let their hair down at the club house. Seal one’s lips – promise to keep a secret Example – My lips are sealed. I won’t tell anyone about your boyfriend. Makes my blood boil – makes me very angry Example – When someone disrespects women, it makes Tom’s blood boil. Old hand – an experienced person Romeo is an old hand at preparing presentations. Pull one’s leg – make fun of someone Example – We pulled their leg by telling them that the party has been cancelled. Wash one’s hand of something – withdraw oneself from something Jenny washed her hands of the project after she realized that few people had stolen money. Thick in the head – not very intelligent Example – She is thick in the heard when it comes to current affairs. These were our idioms with body parts. You can now easily understand what people mean when they use these idioms. Do use these idioms in your English conversations as it will add richness to your language. Keep speaking, keep learning!  



Going out to dine is a wonderful experience. You don’t need an occasion, just a frame of mind to be happy and eat out. Everyone likes to dress up well when going out to dine. However, do keep in mind your social manners and be mindful of the hospitality industry. They offer you food with respect and expect reciprocation from you. You May Also Like: 5 Tips to Improve your Spoken English Wodehouse’s pivotal character in his books, Bertram Wooster, is in this happy habit of dining out often. Clubs, restaurants and hotels; he is a perfect dinner. Many funny and humorous anecdotes are associated with this gentleman over his numerous dinners out. When we walk into a dining place, it should be with a soft, gentle ‘Hello’ to the user. Wait till he leads you to a table, do not push. Be ready with your ‘thank you’ and ‘please’. Friendly nods will make a great difference in the way they treat you. Do not snap your fingers or make weird noises to attract the waiters. Treat them with respect. Just say – “Excuse me!” When you waiter arrives, ask, ‘Can I please get some water?’ or ‘Could you please take our order?’ are the normal phrases you should use with a graceful smile. When you ask for drinks, cocktails or mocktails, you should request, say ‘could you please help me with an apple juice?’ This is appreciated by the hotel fraternity. After you finish your starters, you could ask – What do you have in the main course? You may specify the kind of cuisine you prefer. Never be rude or arrogant. Avoid making noise while eating or speaking in a loud voice. Be pleasant, enjoy your meal. Someone else is cooking and serving you, even if you are paying for it. Good manners are always acceptable, keep them with you. When you have finished dining, a request to remove the dishes is a good move. You may say – Could you please clear the table? Or could you get the finger bowl? Towards the end of your dinner, politely ask – May I please get the bill? You will be regarded as a valued customer and get deferential treatment next time. Thank them for the meal and service. Smile and have a nice word or conversation with them. If you liked the meal, appreciate them. You could say – “The food was delicious. We enjoyed the meal.” It’s great fun to dine out, and it becomes a delightful experience if you use all the proper words with propriety.  



Airports are busy places bustling with Welcomes and Goodbyes. Today we speak about the Transition from the Check-in counter to alighting the destination Airport. Once at the Airport we walk towards the Check-in counter where the executive asks us for our passport and Ticket. Thereafter they will pose us a few questions like ‘How many pieces of luggage do you have?’, or ‘Do you have any electronics or questionable items in your bag?’ To these questions, we reply accordingly with a Yes or a No. The bag we carry will always be tagged by the executives at the airport. You May Also Like: Speak English with Fluency Ask for a seat you’d prefer like ‘Could I get a seat at the aisle?’ or ‘Could I get a seat at the window?’ The executive would check the availability and accommodate you accordingly. If you are not accustomed to the airport ask for directions ‘Can you direct me to Gate Number 1?’ The executive will always tell you to go left, right or up the escalator towards you’re assigned Gate number, always affirm by repeating after them ‘OK so I go towards the right, Thank you!’ Before arriving at the gate the airport authorities do a security check of the luggage you carry and also there is a manual full body check. The Personnel’s will request you to remove all electronics from the bags you carry including phones, laptops, loose chargers, pen drives etc. We need to put them into a tray and slide our bags unto the machine for an X-ray. Always dispose all liquids from the bags. Alongside we too have to undergo a security check wherein we are asked to carry our Boarding Pass to be stamped after our check is done. The Arrival and Departure Monitors are displayed everywhere at the airport. Sometimes flights are rescheduled, in such situations Announcements are certain. However sometimes we miss out and have to do a reality check looking at the Arrival/Departure Monitor. The area near the gate has provisions for shopping along with eateries and rest rooms. Once you’re flight is on the Runway and ready to board, the crew announces the same. It is necessary to keep you’re boarding pass ready to be stamped. Once in the flight, the Flight Attendants will always be there to help us. Always keep the carry bags in the given Overhead Apartment, it helps us to get enough leg space.The Attendants then start their instruction’s which guide us to use the necessary objects like oxygen mask ,the water float and the emergency exits. They are shown how to be used in case of dire situations where the Airplane has to make an Emergency Landing. Always pay close attention if you are new, else we always need to respect the attendant as they have their efforts involved. You’re comfort and safety is their purpose. After a certain time the Pursers and Air Hostesses come around with water, beverages, meals and snacks. They ask if we need anything, you can ask questions – ‘Can I please get a glass of water?’ or ‘Could I have a chilled can of juice?’ or ‘What are the meals served?’ Specify vegan or non-vegan. Acknowledge the crew for their service with a ‘Thank you’ later. You will be asked to turn off you’re mobiles, laptops or any electronic devices as it may interfere with the signals in the cockpit. We will be told to fasten our Seat Belts for our safety which is especially of importance during storms and turbulence. Once we reach our destination an announcement will be made in the flight to collect all our belongings. Also, we will be instructed towards the destination of our luggage. If one is new to the destination we can always ask the Customer Support staff to help us towards a Taxi once we are at the airport. You may ask – ‘Excuse me! Can you help me with getting a taxi?’ Airports are a Customer Friendly and you will always be guided with the proper usage of Language.



One of the most difficult tasks in the world, especially in today’s time, is to listen to somebody. Everyone has so much to say, share and sermon about, that no one person is ready to listen. Even on a personal phone call or at a close friend’s party, everyone is talking together, no one   listens! To be a listener, you got to have the patience of Angels. To actually give your precious time to somebody – imagine! Time and ears are a priceless commodity! Mark Anthony may have coaxed and invited his countrymen, as ‘’Friends, Romans, countrymen – lend me your ears” They heard him. Those were the times, now there is a chance that people will turn their backs on you, ignore you. Listeners are fast becoming a rare breed. Little do we realize that listening is a virtue. When you listen you learn, you imbibe, you become a more patient and receptive person. On the other hand, the speaker respects you for listening. You May Also Like: Learning English is an absolute Must for Survival in Today’s World. The 8 tips to become better listeners are as follows: 1] Willingness to learn – You have to be ready and willing to listen to a speaker. It is said that; you can bring a horse to the well but you cannot force it to drink! You can be the speaker’s mirror; when you empathize, sympathize and show interest in what he speaks. 2] You should concentrate on the lecture or speech- whether it is an professor’s speech or a layman’s conversation, it is necessary to relate to it and listen deeply. You could be instrumental in giving useful inputs or use the ideas yourself. Listen well. 3] Please don’t talk in between/ don’t interrupt – It is otherwise bad manners to talk in between and disturb a speaker. The speaker can lose his continuity of idea or get irritated with you. You stand as the loser in this case. Listen first, then speak. 4] Pay attention – Paying attention is a quality of a good listener. It makes sense because you can understand and agree or disagree with the speaker. You can also ask for clarification. 5] Make notes – Good listeners can help themselves by jotting down notes, which they can use for further reference 6] Do not be distracted by several things and movements around you. Some people just can’t help it. Maybe they have an attention deficiency. If you are not inflicted by the abstract complication, then listen. Be a good, better and the best listener. Listen with your ears, mind and heart. Even the smallest conversation is meaningful when we give importance to the speaker 7] When you are listening, do not use your Mobile phone. It is not good etiquette to message or use the phone while a lecture or speech is progressing. So mobiles should be in your bags, better mute or shut down. 8] Presence of mind – To be alert to what you are listening, you should not only be physically but mentally present for the speaker. It is imperative to listen when you are being spoken to. So being a better listener comes from the heart, from a responsive mind who is aware of what is the best for them. What information you gather, will surprise you.



Pronunciation of the English Language can be a bewildering jungle if you let it. If we keep our nerves steady, brains alert and sharp, we can hack the way and emerge into the sunny glade of clear, concise English pronunciation. Learning and obeying all the rules of grammar will not automatically give excellence to your speech or pronunciation. Correct pronunciation requires the proper sounding of the letters and combination of letters in a word and the correct placing of the stress or accent in words of more than one syllable. While pronouncing properly we have to know that at times not all words are pronounced, some are silent so we have to omit their sounds to give proper value to letters that are sounded. To be understood in any language, for that matter, pronunciation is important. Language becomes incomprehensible if the pronunciation of words is incorrect. False and wrong pronunciation can be a cause for laughter or embarrassment. For example, if snacks is pronounced as snakes; it sounds funny and dismissed as lack of knowledge but if English is pronounced as englees, ship as sip, school as escool and biscuit as biscoot; is unpardonable! There are many more examples of such mispronunciation. Someone could misunderstand the statement and a simple situation may blow dangerously out of proportion. The letters of the alphabet fall into 2 divisions- vowels and consonants. The vowel letters are a, e, i, o, u. A vowel letter represents a soundmade when the voice passes without obstruction through the vocal cavities. The consonants, which comprise the remaining letters represent sounds made when the voice or breath is obstructed by the teeth, lips, tongue, or soft palate. Consonants form syllables only in combination with vowels, hence the master key to correct pronunciation is the knowledge and use of the proper sound values of the vowels, separately and in combination. However, it is possible to mispronounce words in the English language and it is almost impossible to formulate a set of rules which will cover all words and all circumstances. A good dictionary is indispensable and should be consulted regularly. Since pronunciation is largely a matter of imitation, careful attention to the pronunciation of thosewho speak correctly is necessary. Repeat the correct pronunciation of words which you have been in the habit of mispronouncing until they become familiar. Many errors in pronunciation are due to speaking too fast and carelessly. The following cautions should be kept in mind. Do not drop the final g in such words as calling, going seeing. Do not drop the final t in such words as accept, expect, deft, left, kept, swept. Give proper stress to consonants in collect, asked, distinctly, picture, length, think. Be careful to distinguish between words that are spelt alike but pronounced differently according to meaning. Most importantly, avoid mispronouncing names. Everyone feels happy when we pronounce their name right. Check with people if you are unsure about the pronunciation of their name. Friends, the importance of pronunciation to English language is essential. Keep this in mind; keep listening and keep learning. You will just be fine. Start now for a better tomorrow!



English is undoubtedly a universal language, and the people around the world and people from around the world have a craze and at the same time, the necessity to learn it and praise its very roots of creation. Britain and America, however, have English as an uncommonly commonly language. If you are around Mumbai, the English speaking institute in Mumbai and the best spoken English institute in Mumbai will definitely help you though. British English and American English- 5 major differences The given differences between the British and American English, here, will help you untangle your brains, till the time you join any of those best spoken English institute in Mumbai: Vocabulary: Vocabulary is the means of transmission of any of the language. British and American English, witness a lot of differences in their vocabulary, word formation etc. For example, what’s “car park” in British English, is “parking lot” in American English; “block of flats” in British English goes for “apartment building” in American English and so on. Although, we use these words as our knowledge of English only. We, seldom differentiate between them. Grammar: Grammar is the building block of any language; it’s not very surprising for us to know that these two languages even hold a very different command of their grammar too. The collective nouns, for instance, are taken up as singular in American English plural in British English. When it comes to Auxiliary Verbs, the British uses shall prominently, the Americans, though have knowledge about the “shall”, still prefer “will” primarily. Spelling: Spelling makes the structure of any word, word of the sentence and sentence leads to the spoken language. There is a difference in the way the same word, with the same pronunciation and meaning, is spelled. For instance, the word “colour” in British English and “color” in American English. Pronunciation: The above-mentioned point can be explained in a vice-versa manner here. The words having same spellings can be pronounced in a way totally different. ”Controversy” and “schedule” are for instance, are the words which are pronounced in a far different manner. Idioms: Idioms with the same meaning, framed out of the same, English language are not actually the same combination of words in American and British English. Example, “touch wood” in British language is “knock on wood” in the American You May Also Like: How the Best English Speaking Institute Deals With Vocabulary Enhancement? Be it Britain or American, English and its importance in the 21st century can never be forgotten, which is why you may need to look up an English speaking institute in Mumbai. And, if you still are not confident about your spoken English skills, it’s better you hurry up to the Spoken English Classes in Mumbai. And Yes, ALL THE BEST.



The core of good ideas stems from the group discussion. What great decisions many minds can arrive at, is amazing. Corporate, business, technical, medical; all require ideas that are liked and substantiated by all. A group discussion is more of a brainstorming session. Various ideas come up and when they are discussed by all, they can achieve the desired target. A dogmatic approach is definitely a big no for this group discussion. Much is lost when one has this preconceived notion that he knows everything, and must impose his knowledge on the rest. You May Also Like: 7 Tips to Enhance Your Public Speaking Skills So sensitize yourself for a group discussion. While preparing, it is absolutely necessary to have an open mind and a positive attitude. Do not think that only you are correct, do not underestimate the people in your group. You never know who can come up with a masterstroke. Be open and give a chance or more to the colleagues in your group. Absorb their perspectives, ideas and thoughts in the discussion. After knowing the topic entitled for your group discussion, start researching responsibly. Read from different materials- news magazines, newspapers, concerned books or take ideas from some interesting video you have seen. Gather relevant information. Be organized while thinking, researching and writing. Make notes and jot down all important points you think will help to make a good, sensible, solid article or write up. Then prepare to write the notes for the discussion. You may use idiomatic speech, proverbs or quote the words of famous personalities. When your writing contribution is somewhat complete, share with the group for an eclectic mix of ideas. Then start your practice session. Read your notes aloud, correct your sentences, put an ear to your pronunciation. Find the correct meanings of all the words you are going to use, the use of technical words should be in the right place. Your intonations, style, facial expressions and motor movement should be impeccable. Speak in front of a friend or look into the mirror while speaking. Correct your mistakes immediately. Ask for an opinion with humility and feel confident and proud of your hard work. If one realizes that he is just a dot in this great universe, he will be able to function better in society. Man is social by nature. He has to live in a society and thus group discussions are the most democratic approach in a civilized society.



Have you ever made mistakes while speaking in English? Perhaps we all do. English mistakes are perfect opportunities to learn the language. Let’s look at few common mistakes made while speaking in English. We often ask a person “What is your good name? What we have done is translated a sentence directly from Hindi to English. The common mistake here is that there is nothing called as a good or bad name. Name is just a name. So the right question is – What is your name? Once, Neha introduced Reema saying, “She is my cousin sister” to her friends.. The correct form here is – “She is my cousin” Once we say “She” we have already described her gender. We need not add sister or brother after the word cousin. My colleague requested me “Please put your sign here”. I was confused between the two words “ Sign and Signature”.  To sign means to write one’s name on a letter/ card/ document to identify oneself as the writer or sender. A signature means a handwritten often stylized depiction of someone’s name or nickname. It is shorter version of my full name. We incorporate our signature and not sign on a letter/card or document. How come you have committed such a big blunder? The word blunder itself means a big mistake.  The correct sentence here is “How come you have committed such a blunder? Last night my friend saw a very bad dream. The correct word here is Nightmare. Nightmare is defined as a “terrifying dream” which is more intense and vivid than a bad dream. The strong breeze blew her hat off. Do we know that the breeze is never strong? Breeze is always light and gentle. Only the winds can be strong. The correct sentence here is “The strong winds blew her hat off”. According to me English is an easy language.”” This happens due to literal translation from Hindi to English. In “According to me” “me” is used when it is an authority. When we want to state our point of view, we must say – In my opinion. The correct sentence here is “In my opinion, English is an easy language to learn.” “The TV crew arrived at the scenery”. “The scene in Cyprus is beautiful”.  Just look at the two words scenery and scene in the sentences which give a wrong meaning to it. A scene refers to one particular place where an incident occurs while scenery refers to the general appearance of the country. The correct usage here is “The TV crew arrived at the scene” and “The scenery in Cyprus is beautiful”. Rachel Wolchin says – “It’s not how we make mistakes but how we correct them that defines us.” So friends, remember to keep correcting your mistakes and learning from them, leading you to become the confident person you want to be.



English is a universal and the third most widely spoken language in the world. We can, therefore, never neglect the importance of Spoken English and especially when we are in the corporate sector and need to interact with intellectual people around and obviously if we want a better financial growth. 5 tips to improve your spoken English Here, in this article, all we have tried is to suggest you 5 of the most tried, tested and succeeded tips to improve your spoken English: English Speaking Classes: The importance of a teacher for learning can never be ignored. Although we’ve entered a world where “Google-Baba” solves all our problems, it’s better if you give some fixed time daily for your English speaking classes. This will not only give you a fixed schedule for your spoken English but will also let a drastic positive change reflect in your spoken English. Some of the most reliable English speaking classes in Borivali and English speaking classes in Borivali West are the most reliable for this matter. Bring it in practice: It is a universal truth that “practice makes a man perfect”. If you want to speak good English that just flows out of your mouth and you need not think twice before translating words from your mother tongue to English, you have to start speaking English. Genuinely, in every aspect of your day-to-day If you want to see the change in you, it’s high time you start implementing those changes in you and don’t forget “the beginning is always the hardest”. Hear; Listen and Execute: Your mother -tongue is embedded into your systems,and by no means, anyone can make you forget it or confuse you in any of its This is simply because of the fact that since the time you were born, you listen to people around you speaking that language and you have perceived it in your soul and soaked it in your veins. This is the basic trick. You need to listen more and more of English. Be it English Movies, News Channels or Entertainment Channels. Let English flow into your veins this time. Challenge yourself: You’ve never known how far you have reached until you count your steps. So, if you think you know it, just ask yourself if you really do? Just go through a challenging series of tests made by you, for yourself. For example, look into the mirror and talk to yourself in English just the way you expect yourself to. Make a good recording of this session and review it afterward. Since you can never cheat yourself, I know the reviews would be honest. And if they make you smile, I am sure you are going on the right track. Vocabulary-Savvy: However good your grammar may be, a treasure of good vocabulary is always needed as a priority. Make your dictionary, your best friend and learn at least two words from it daily. If you are doing this as a part of your daily schedule, you are sure to learn 60 new words by the end of the month and 480 new words by the end of the year. Whoa! Tempting right? So, go for it to boost up your confidence in spoken English. As I already mentioned, Spoken English needs to be learned as it has become the necessity of the corporate world. And, if you are living around Mumbai, the Spoken English Classes in Borivali and Spoken English classes in Borivali West will definitely work wonders for you in this respect and this is because in the times of the tight schedule, courtesy our office life, it becomes difficult  for us to catch up with spoken English in a way it deserves. Joining the classes will bound us to fixed hours of Spoken English that definitely will be the best help we can gift to ourselves.  



An excellent way to argue and air your opinions; where people actually listen respectfully, without confronting or interrupting you… is a Debate! Maybe during the course of your debate argument you might get roars, applause, smiles or smirks; but that means you have an inspired and keen audience. A debate is an exchange of knowledge. What you think about a topic and get someone else’s perspective too. Whether you agree or not is another matter! However there is absolutely nothing wrong in perceiving things from your opponent’s viewpoint! To prepare for a debate, one should start researching on the topic. Use Encyclopedias, Google or read the newspaper on a daily basis. Recent political or social information will be easily found there. Research and footnotes are very important. Without research and correct knowledge of the subject you cannot speak. More, you should be well abreast of information from all arenas of knowledge. Days before your scheduled date of debate, you have to read a lot on the subject to be well versed in it. Actually, every debater should be an avid reader. You May Also Like: Tips to Prepare For Group Discussion So, generally a person who participates in a debate should be a well- read, well informed person. The person should be accurate and precise; to the point. His argument should be valid for all to appreciate, approve and understand. Humor and sincerity should be woven in the fabric of the debate. This way the audience listens to you. After being informed about the subject, you have to write the script. It is very important that it should be in good English and well written. Usage of grammar and punctuation should be impeccable. Every sentence should have a clarity of thought and while talking, the feelings and emotions should be expressed in totality. So training oneself in elocution, intonation, pronunciation would go a long way in making your endeavor successful. You should remember what you have prepared! Effective study techniques can make a difference to how well you retain information. You have to study and learn your script but you have to use your natural ability and finesse in talking smart. Look at yourself in the mirror and practise. Observe your facial expressions and hand movements. Regulate, modulate and correct them to the best of your ability, so that when you are speaking, your presentation becomes magnetic; compelling the audience to hear you. Show how charismatic you are in the way you effectively articulate. Preparing for a Debate—just requires your interest, your involvement in the subject, your presence of mind and your effort. After that meticulous preparation, just smile and talk your way confidently, into their minds and hearts. You have a winner in YOU.