
The Art of Writing Well

“The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe.”

Learn what good writing is. Review good writing examples, understand what makes a good writer, see their strengths, and discover the characteristics of good writing.  Everyone can master the art of writing well through habits and activities that focus on good communication and people connection. Writing is an essential part of college, but it’s also essential for most professions, your personal life, and your community participation. You may not realize just how much writing you do—an email to your boss or employees, a note to your child’s teacher, your resume and cover letter, a survey about improvements to your city or neighborhood, or a text asking your partner to do something for you. We are all writers and communicators! Learn what good writing is. Review good writing examples, understand what makes a good writer, see their strengths, and discover the characteristics of good writing.  Follow Some of the  following tips:

1. Keep reading. Study the form and substance of your reading materials and pick up writing styles from your favorite authors.

2. Keep it simple. The shorter the better, the simpler the better.

3. Think of your audience when you write your piece.

4. Don’t abbreviate even as you text. Resorting to shortcuts in spelling can negatively affect your spelling skills and writing style.

5. Reveal not tell. This will make your story visual.

6. Keep up with the times. Words are dynamic. “Web,” “gay” “mouse,” “Windows,” “cloud,” Apple, ” “Blackberry,” and “cell,” have different meanings today.

7. Use the active voice. This makes you purposive and powerful.

8. Use verbs instead of adjectives and adverbs to paint a vivid picture.

9. Be conversational. Draw the reader in.

10. Take a break when faced with writer’s block. Don’t force it. 

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