
Refund Policy

Speakwell Skills Academy values your satisfaction and strives to provide the best learning experience. Our refund policy is designed to be fair and transparent. Please read the policy carefully to understand the terms and conditions regarding refunds.

1. Eligibility for Refunds

  • Course Cancellation by Speakwell Skills Academy: If a course is canceled by Speakwell Skills Academy, a full refund will be provided.
  • Withdrawal Before Course Start: Students who withdraw from a course at least 7 days before the start date are eligible for a full refund, minus any non-refundable registration fees.
  • Withdrawal After Course Start: Refunds for withdrawals after the course has started will be prorated based on the number of sessions attended, minus a cancellation fee of 20% of the course fee. Requests for refunds must be made within the first two weeks of the course start date.

2. Non-Refundable Fees

  • Registration Fees: Any registration fees paid at the time of enrollment are non-refundable.
  • Materials and Resources: Fees paid for books, course materials, and other resources are non-refundable once issued.

3. Refund Process

  • Request Submission: Refund requests must be submitted in writing to our administration office via email at info@speakwell.co.in or in person. The request should include the reason for the refund, course details, and proof of payment.
  • Processing Time: Once a refund request is received, it will be reviewed and processed within 14 business days. Refunds will be issued through the original method of payment.

4. Exceptional Circumstances

  • In cases of exceptional circumstances such as medical emergencies or other unforeseen situations, Speakwell Skills Academy may consider partial or full refunds on a case-by-case basis. Documentation may be required to support the request.

5. Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy, please contact us:

  • Email: info@speakwell.co.in
  • Address: Speakwell Skills Academy, Borivali West, Mumbai, India

6. Policy Changes

Speakwell Skills Academy reserves the right to amend this refund policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website and will be effective immediately upon posting.

Last Updated: 1st April 2024