

Remember your school or college days when you used to get personal attention from your tuition teacher? How did you use to feel, when something you could not understand was specifically addressed and you could ask whatever you felt to your teacher?

Did you feel special? I know a lot of my friends who have done academically well, just because there was somebody to hand-hold them through their tough subjects.

Personal attention to learning anything is a great advantage as it leads to the strong and solid foundation for the future.

 At Speakwell – English speaking classes in Mumbai, we extend this kind of a learning experience for the English language to our students who need such special attention. This service is called the Home Tuition service, where we depute a well-experienced faculty member dedicated to that student. In this case, the students are typically an adult and mostly those who have accomplished themselves in their profession or are at home taking care of the family. These people find it difficult to reach a Speakwell centre on a daily basis to learn the English language. They need a special attention and they need it on an individual basis and they would also need to cover it up at their own pace.

 We all learn Spoken English in three ways i.e. Reading, writing and listening. And all the three modes are adopted in our one to one coaching. Though three ways in which we learn something but one or two of them are the prominent way in which we learn faster. In personal coaching where you discover yourself, you get a fair idea of your style of learning and learning becomes a cakewalk and enjoyable experience. Your unique attribute in the learning process is focused upon for faster and better result.

It is our personal experience that a coach or a mentor can make a huge difference to your learning experience. When someone is behind you to accomplish something, you usually stand a better chance of achieving it. It is true for most of the people.

In personal coaching from best spoken English Institute in Mumbai you cannot run away from homework though it looks like a burden but in long term, it turns into your biggest benefit as you get most of the coaching.

90% of success in any area of life depends on how much effort you put into that activity. A coach makes sure that you are doing your daily assignments and monitoring it to the hilt. Here powerful coaching is a 100% assurance of achieving success. Beautiful part of personal coaching is the one to one experience and the personal attention that your coach can provide to an agreed joint goal. We have experienced 100% customer satisfaction and 100% success ratio in all our personal tutoring assignments. For those who are obsessed with learning English and they are willing to put in their effort and need a coach who can guide them through this process then as Speakwell we have the right team of a personal coach who can lead this process and give you guaranteed success.


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    A common question that quite a few enthusiasts ask besides how to trim buds is when to trim cannabis plants. You may be surprised to know that trimming should always occur days before harvesting begins. The Leaf Cutter trimmer is the most efficient one in my opinion. You place the buds on a sort of mesh with some spinning straps above them. The clean buds are left on top of the mesh and the blades make sure leaves fall to the bottom. Now, all you have to do is hang your buds in a dark and dry place or you can use a drying sock. Another nice choice is a curved pruning shear, so you can cut easily around your bud. On the other hand, small scissors with straight blades are often more precise. No matter which tool you prefer, it’s important to always clean your equipment before you start cutting and trimming. Scissors can contain bacteria and mould, which can lead to a disaster if you start trimming your cannabis buds and transfer this time bomb!

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    Love podcasts or audiobooks? Learn on the go with our new app. Your brain starts to rely on its regular hit of cannabis to make dopamine and stops making it naturally on its own. Lorena Cupcake is a former budtender who currently works in weed marketing and writes a column called Ask a Budtender for WeedMaps. “Even in the cannabis industry, I’m not showing up to an important meeting blasted out of my brain with red eyes with a bag of Doritos,” they told VICE. “But that’s not necessarily the experience everybody is going to have with cannabis. I’ve long been one of the types of people who knows that I can function, and I can do what I need to do while being high.” At this time, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) lists marijuana and its cannabinoids as Schedule I controlled substances. This means that they cannot legally be prescribed, possessed, or sold under federal law. Whole or crude marijuana (including marijuana oil or hemp oil) is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for any medical use. But the use of marijuana to treat some medical conditions is legal under state laws in many states.

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    Keep in mind that there is no winning formula that will uncover all three Card Poker secrets and will guarantee that you win a game of Three Card Poker. However, that doesn’t mean that you cannot shift the odds a bit in your favour by applying the tips below: In 3 card poker, you compete against the dealer to see who has the best 3-card poker hand. Beat the dealer and you win your bet (or bets). Hit a premium hand like a Flush or Straight and get paid handsomely. Lose to the dealer and you lose your bet(s). Simple as that! There is no real strategy to how to win at 3 card poker. Once you understand the poker rankings, it’s simply a question of, as Kenny Rogers famously sang, knowing when to hold ‘em, or when to fold ‘em. When compared to casino staples such as blackjack and roulette, 3 card poker is a relative newcomer to the world of gambling games. However, in spite of this, it has quickly become one of the most played table games in both land-based and online casinos around the world. It’s easy to play, has a relatively low house edge and most importantly, allows for big wins and fast action. Some of the payouts in online Three Card Poker are higher than blackjack, but the house edge is also higher.

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